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Q): The multiplying factor as applied to obtain the maximum daily water demand in relation to the average is
Answer is (B)
Q): The total requirement of water is arrived by using the following code
Answer is (B)
Q): The total water requirement of a city is generally assessed on the basis of
Answer is (D)
Q): The population growth curve is
Answer is (C)
Q): The average domestic water consumption per capita per day for an Indian city may be taken as
Answer (A)
Q): lpcd (lakh per capita demand)
Answer (B)
Q): The total water consumption per capita per day for an average Indian city may be taken as
Answer (D)
Q): The zone in which dissolved oxygen may fall down to zero causing the anaerobic condition in the river is
Answer (B)
Q): Design period for water supply is
Answer (B)
Q): Sea water contains of oxygen contained in fresh water stream
Answer (D)
Q): Which of the following is also known as the uniform increase method
Answer (B)
Q): The water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act was enacted by Indian Parliament in the year
Answer (B)
Q): Which of the following factors responsible for the change in population
Answer (D)
Q): Which of the following is NOT a method for forecasting populations used for estimating the water requirement of a town
Answer (D)
Q): The per capita water demand include
Answer (D)
Q): The per capita water consumption for Hospital is
Answer (A)
Q): The domestic use of water amounts to % of the total water requirement per capita per day
Answer (B)
Q): The peak demand for water in Indian conditions is
Answer (A)
Q): Aeration of water is done to remove
Answer (A)
Q): A town water supply scheme is commonly designed for a population
Answer (D)
Q): The average age of cast iron pipe is
Answer (B)
Q): For the basic requirement of water supply drainage and sanitation as per the IS code what is the domestic water demand in Indian cities and towns
Answer (B)
Q): The value which allows the flow only in one direction is a
Answer (A)
Q): Which one of the following is not a formula for determining the quantity of Stormwater
Answer (A)
Q): Cast iron pipe having plain ends are joined by a joint called
Answer (C)
Q): Air conditioning involves control of
Answer (D)
Q): High pH value of water in the pipe does not produce
Answer (D)
Q): The ratio between peak hourly water demand and maximum daily demand (Per hour of course) is
Answer (A)
Q): Which is the best sewer material to resist hydrogen sulphide corrosion
Answer (A)
Q): The fire demand of a city may be worked out by
Answer (D)
Q): A commonly used hand pump is the
Answer (B)
Q): Total water consumption including domestic commercial and industrial demands for average Indian people is
Answer (D)
Q): Surface sources of water are
Answer (D)
Q): When did the Indian Government adopt the first National Water Policy
Answer (D)
Q): A pipe sunk into the ground for tapping the groundwater is called
Answer (B)
Q): The average water consumption for government offices ranges from
Answer (A)
Q): Which of the following causes a decrease in per capita consumption
Answer (A)
Q): The water distribution networks are normally designed for a period of
Answer (B)
Q): The hourly variation factor is usually taken as
Answer (A)
Q): The value of peak factor considered in the estimation of water demand for the population of ONE LAKH
Answer (B)
Q): The population of a town in three consecutive years are 5000, 7000 and 8400 respectively year. The population of a town in the fourth consecutive year according to the geometrical increase method is
Answer (D)
Q): Per capita water demand is
Answer (C)
Q): The suitable method of forecasting population for a young and rapidly increasing city is
Answer (B)
Q): The prescribed per capita water demand for small cities and town is
Answer (A)
Q): The devices which are installed for drawing water from the source are called
Answer (D)
Q): The prescribed per bed water demand for hospitals including laundry facility having less than 100 beds
Answer (A)
Q): The maximum discharge of a tube-well about
Answer (B)
Q): Which is NOT a cause of water pollution
Answer (D)
Q): Groundwater is usually free from
Answer (A)
Q): When water is flowing through some confined aquifer the spring formed is known as an
Answer (B)
Q): Which of the following is not a waterborne disease
Answer (D)
Q): If it is possible for water to go through soil formation and because of which it gives insignificant yield then the soil formation is termination is termed as
Answer (D)
Q): Standard EDTA solution is used to determine the
Answer (A)
Q): If the coefficient of permeability of the aquifer is 40m/day and drawdown at the well is 4.0 m then the radius of influence will be
Answer (B)
Q): Which of the following value of pH represents a stronger acid
Answer (A)
Q): Sag curve describes the change of
Answer (D)
Q): Turbidity is measured on
Answer (A)
Q): In M.K.S system the Unit of Runoff is
Answer (C)
Q): Higher quantities of copper more than 2.5 mg/L or so may cause disease pertaining to
Answer (B)
Q): The volume of water that can be extracted by force of gravity from a unit volume of aquifer material is known as
Answer (B)
Q): The discharge value of slow and sand filter is
Answer (C)
Q): The Dissolved oxygen in the stream is maximum
Answer (A)
Q): Cleaning of the filter becomes necessary when the loss of head in slow and filter exceeds
Answer (C)
Q): A rock formation which contains and readily yield water to tube wells is
Answer (D)
Q): The turbidity produced by one mg of silicon dioxide in one litre of distilled water is called
Answer (A)
Q): On standard silica scale the turbidity in drinking water should be limited to
Answer (A)
Q): Infiltration rate is always
Answer (C)
Q): Water is considered hard if its hardness is of the order of
Answer (C)
Q): The maximum dissolved oxygen which should always be present in water in order to save aquatic life is
Answer (B)
Q): The maximum allowable concentration of iron in water is
Answer (C)
Q): How much is the maximum permissible fluorine content water for domestic supplies
Answer (D)
Q): The maximum safe permissible limit of chlorides in domestic water supplies is
Answer (C)
Q): If lead is present in water it
Answer (D)
Q): Iron and manganese can be removed from water by
Answer (C)
Q): Which of the following organisms is responsible for enteric fever
Answer (A)
Q): The aeration of water is done for the removal of
Answer (D)
Q): Presence of nitrogen in wastewater sample due to the decomposition of
Answer (B)
Q): The dissolved oxygen concentration with the increase in temperature of the water
Answer (A)
Q): Which of the following equipment is used to determine the colour of the water
Answer (A)
Q): The hardness caused by Sulphates chlorides and nitrates of calcium of magnesium is termed hardness
Answer (B)
Q): What is the most common cause of acidity in water
Answer (D)
Q): Which of the following parameter is determined using Winkler’s method
Answer (D)
Q): Which one of the following tests of water/wastewater employs erichrome Black T as an indicator
Answer (A)
Q): pH of sea water varies from
Answer (D)
Q): The maximum permissible limit for fluorine in drinking water is
Answer (B)
Q): For construction use, at a village site the local pond water must be
Answer (A)
Q): The maximum permissible limit for fluorine in drinking water is
Answer (B)
Q): For controlling the growth of algae chemical generally used is
Answer (D)
Q): A rapid test to indicate the intensity of water pollution is
Answer (D)
Q): Alkalinity in water is expressed as mg/L in terms of
Answer (A)
Q): Blue baby disease is caused due to drinking of water having an excess of
Answer (D)
Q): Turbidity in water due to
Answer (D)
Q): What is the most common source of acidity in water
Answer (C)
Q): Tularemia disease is due to
Answer (D)
Q): The coliform organism in 100 ml of drinking water should not be more than
Answer (D)
Q): The acceptable limit of potable water used in India for dissolved solids content (mg/l)
Answer (B)
Q): Water uses are classified by the term DBU as
Answer (A)
Q): For public water supply the maximum permission limit of nitrate (N) is
Answer (D)
Q): Water is termed as sweet if the value of TDS is less than
Answer (A)
Q): Production of incrustation and sediment deposits are found in
Answer (B)
Q): Nitrates more than 45 mg/L in water lead to a disease called
Answer (D)
Q): Which one of the following is NOT turbidity test on WATER
Answer (D)
Q): Methemoglobinemia is caused due to drinking of water having an excess of
Answer (D)
Q): Standard EDTA (Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid) solution is used to determine the
Answer (A)
Q): Which test is used to measure the resistance to the passage of light through the water
Answer (A)
Q): If the PO value is 3 which it means
Answer (B)
Q): Concentration of fluorides desirable in water is
Answer (B)
Q): Excessive fluoride Concentration in drinking water causes problems related with
Answer (A)
Q): A water treatment works treats 5000 cubic metres of water per day. If it consumes 20kg chlorine per day then the chlorine dosage would be
Answer (B)
Q): What type of water when used continuously for drinking would cause harmful damage to teeth
Answer (C)
Q): The permissible limit of arsenic in drinking water as per the guideline of WHO is
Answer (A)
Q): As per Indian standard (IS 10500 2012) of drinking water specification concentration of iron in drinking water should not exceed
Answer (C)
Q): The acceptable limit (mg/L) of total dissolved solids for drinking water is
Answer (B)
Q): Which chemical affect the kidney when exceeds its value
Answer (D)
Q): Hardness in water is removed by
Answer (D)
Q): Temporary hardness is caused due to the following in water
Answer (A)
Q): As compared to the lime soda process the Zeolite process
Answer (D)
Q): Permanent hardness of water can be removed by
Answer (A)
Q): The major disadvantage of the lime soda process of water softening is that
Answer (B)
Q): Permanent hardness cannot be removed by
Answer (A)
Q): The presence of calcium and magnesium chloride in water causes
Answer (C)
Q): The treatment of water with bleaching powder is known as
Answer (D)
Q): The safe water does not contain any
Answer (C)
Q): Turbidity in water is the
Answer (A)
Q): A water-borne disease may be controlled by
Answer (A)
Q): Disinfection of drinking water is done to remove
Answer (B)
Q): Jaundice is a disease of
Answer (C)
Q): Which of the following methods is NOT a part purification
Answer (C)
Q): The major portion of the alkalinity in natural waters is caused by
Answer (A)
Q): The hardness that is equivalent to alkalinity is known as
Answer (B)
Q): Alum is a
Answer (A)
Q): When alum is added in the form of a coagulant then it
Answer (A)
Q): The alum added as a coagulant in water treatment functions better when the raw water is
Answer (B)
Q): The quality of liquid waste which flows in sewers during the rainy season, is called (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (B)
Q): The effluents from the septic tank are discharged into (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (B)
Q): The artificial process of removing objectionable constituents present in the sewage is
Answer (B)
Q):In water treatment, slow sand filters when compared to rapid gravity filters, produce (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (D)
Q): The hardness, yield and tensile strength of steel can be obtained by
Answer (C)
Q):sewer are generally laid, starting from their
Answer (A)
Q): The process of purifying water by passing it through a bed of sand or other fine granular materials is called
Answer (A)
Q): Stoneware pipes are generally not used for sewer mains, because they are
Answer (B)
Q): Which source of water, among the following, is not a surface source
Answer (B)
Q):The internal diameter of a sewer should not be less than
Answer (B)
Q): Dissolved oxygen in streams is
Answer (A)
Q): The devices which are installed for drawing water from different water sources, are called
Answer (D)
Q): Disposal of sewage causes the formation of sludge bankes in
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