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Q): Which one of the following survey equipment's is battery operated

Answer is (A)

Q):How many types of bench mark are there

Answer is (C)

Q):200 sq. meter is equal to

Answer is (C)

Q):The difference between magnetic north and geographic north is

Answer is (C)

Q): The curvature of the earth's surface is taken into account if the extent of the survey is more than

Answer is (D)

Q):The fundamental principle of surveying is to work from the

Answer is (A)

Q): The principle of working from whole to part is used in surveying because

Answer is (C)

Q): The type of surveying in which the curvature of the earth is taken into account is called

Answer is (A)

Q): Name the type of surveying in which the mean square of the earth is considered as a plane and the spheroidal shape of the earth is neglected

Answer is (B)

Q: In the triangulation method, the whole area is divided into

Answer is (D)

Q):A stone that marks boundary is called

Answer is (A)

Q): The measurement of longitudinal section survey is done on which basis

Answer is (A)

Q):Permissible limits of error in chaining for measurement on rough of hilly ground is

Answer is (C)

Q): The main principle of surveying is to work

Answer is (B)

Q): In case of a direct Vernier scale

Answer is (A)

Q): The point of the celestial sphere vertically below the observer's position is called

Answer is (D)

Q):The most widely used antenna in GPS is

Answer is (D)

Q): The fundamental principle of surveying is to work from the

Answer is (A)

Q): Which of the below is not a classification of surveying

Answer is (B)

Q):EDM stands for

Answer is (C)

Q): The point of the celestial sphere vertically below the observed position is called

Answer (D)

Q): For a triangle at the earth surface having an area of 195㎡, the difference between the sum of angle in a plane spherical triangle

Answer (A)

Q): Geodetic survey is different from plane surveying because of

Answer (B)

Q): Which one of the following surveying is employed for collecting data in connection supply works

Answer (D)

Q):For indirect ranging number of ranging roads required is

Answer (B)

Q): The line to be measured accurately in a chain survey is

Answer (B)

Q): The length of a line measured with a chain having 100 links was found to be 2000 links.If the chain was 0.5 links too short, find the true length of the line

Answer (B)

Q): Total station survey notes and observations are recorded

Answer (C)

Q): Ranging is a process of

Answer (A)

Q): If the smallest division of a Vernier is longer than the smallest division of its primary scale, the Vernier is known as

Answer (D)

Q): In case of a direct Vernier scale

Answer (C)

Q): What is the difference between the sum of an interior angle of plane tringle and spherical triangle for the area of tringle 195 sq. kilometer on the earth's surface

Answer (C)

Q): Which of the following statement is CORRECT for estimating the corrected area from a map of shrunk factor 'F'

Answer (D)

Q): A surveyor measure a distance between two points on a map of a representative fraction of 1:100 is 60m. But later he found that the used wrong representative fraction of 1:50. What is the correct distance between the two points

Answer (D)

Q): Which of the following scale of the map is not affected due to shrinkage of the map

Answer (B)

Q): Determine the number of divisions required on the Vernier scale if it is combined with the main scale of least count 0.5mm. The least count of the combination required is 0.05 mm for the direct Vernier

Answer (D)

Q): Which one of the following surveys is used to define the property line

Answer (B)

Q): The Vernier that is calibrated in the direction opposite to the main scale is called

Answer (D)

Q): In Geodetic surveying sum of all the internal angle (degree) of a spherical tringle should be

Answer (C)

Q): An invar tape is made of an alloy of

Answer (D)

Q):The construction of optical square is based on the principal of

Answer (D)

Q):The maximum error on the drawing should not be greater than

Answer (C)

Q):In a metric chain number of links per meter run can be

Answer (B)

Q):Cross-staff is used for

Answer (A)

Q): Ranging is defined as

Answer (B)

Q): Check line joining some fixed points on the main survey lines is called

Answer (B)

Q): When two points of surveying are mutually invisible the following method of ranging is adopted

Answer (B)

Q): When compared with chain surveying plane table is

Answer (B)

Q): Maximum allowable limit up to that a measurement may vary from the true value is known as

Answer (A)

Q): Positive error is caused if

Answer (D)

Q):The size of plane table in

Answer (B)

Q): The contour lines can cross one another on the map only in the case of

Answer (D)

Q):When the magnetic declination is 5° 20' East, the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon will be

Answer (B)

Q): The bearing of AB is 190° and that CB is 260°30' the included angle ABC is

Answer (C)

Q): The smaller horizontal angle between the true meridian and survey line is known as

Answer (B)

Q): The correction for sag is

Answer (B)

Q): The curvature of the earth's surface is taken into account if the extent of the survey is more than

Answer (D)

Q): A well-conditioned tringle does not have any angle less than

Answer (B)

Q): The line normal to the plumb line is known as

Answer (B)

Q): The accuracy of measurement in chain surveying does not depend upon

Answer (D)

Q): A building is an obstacle to

Answer (A)

Q): When the curvature of the earth is taken into account the surveying is called

Answer (C)

Q):Which of the following scale is the smallest one

Answer (B)

Q): The main principle of field surveying is to work from

Answer (D)

Q): A level line is a

Answer (A)

Q):The for baring of a line CD is 324°4'.The back bearing of the line is

Answer (A)

Q): If the endpoints of a line are free from local attraction, the difference between fore bearing and back bearing of that line should be

Answer (A)

Q):Compute the angle between the line AB and AC, if their respective bearing is 52°30' and 328°45'

Answer (D)

Q): The whole circle bearing of a line in 287°15'.The reduced bearing of the line is

Answer (C)

Q): The angle between the true meridian and the magnetic meridian at the time of observation is known as

Answer (B)

Q): The fore bearings of the lines AB and BC are 40° and 120° respectively. The included angle between AB and BC is

Answer (C)

Q): If in a closed traverse, the sum of the northern latitudes is more than the sum of the southern latitudes and also the sum of west departures is more than the sum of east departures, the bearing of the closing line is in the

Answer (C)

Q): In the quadrantal bearing system a whole circle bearing of 293°30' can be expressed as

Answer (C)

Q)When the magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is 185°20'.the magnetic declination will be

Answer (C)

Q):If whole circle bearing of a line is 210° 0'0",its value in quadrantal bearing system is

Answer (A)

Q): The magnetic declination is the difference between

Answer (c)

Q): The rise and fall method of leveling is

Answer (D)

Q):A series of closely spaced contour lines represents a

Answer (A)

Q): The instrument used for accurate cantering in plane table surveying is

Answer (C)

Q):Two-point problem and three-point

Answer (D)

Q): The best method of interpolation of contour is by

Answer (C)

Q): Plotting of inaccessible point on a plane table is done by

Answer (A)

Q): The rise and fall method of levelling provides a complete check on

Answer (D)

Q):The two point three point problem are method of

Answer (D)

Q):In leveling operation

Answer (A)

Q):The fix of a plane table from three know points is good if

Answer (A)

Q): Which survey is done for determining quantities for designing engineering works

Answer (C)

Q): Calculate the limiting length (m) of the offset, if the maximum allowable error in laying offset is 2 degree. The scale of the map is 1 cm=100 m

Answer (B)

Q):1 nautical mile is equal to

Answer (C)

Q): A 30 m metric chain is found to be 0.1 m too short throughout the measurement. if the distance measurement is recorded as 300 m, then the actual distance measured will be

Answer (C)

Q): The value of magnetic declination magnetic bearing of the sun at noon is 350° is
Answer (A)

Q):Correction for refraction approximately

Answer (c)

Q): An area of the field is 250 square centimeters from a shrunk map having shrunk factor of 0.9. Calculate the original area (sq.m) on the field,if the original scale of the map is 1cm=50cm

Answer (D)

Q):If the whole circle bearing is 327° 27' then the reduced bearing is
Answer (A)

Q): When contours of different elevations cross each other, it indicates (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)

Answer (A)

Q): A surveying which is done to prepare detailed drawings of projects involving road, railways, etc., is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)

Answer (B)

Q): If there are obstacles in between the points, the method of leveling adopted, is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)

Answer (A)

Q): In Tacheometric Survey, the additive constant is denoted by (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)

Answer (B)

Q): One of the principles of construction planning is

Answer (C)

Q): A transit theodolite fitted with a stadia diaphragm and anallatic lens is known as

Answer (C)

Q):The fore bearing of line is 60°. The back bearing of this line is

Answer (C)

Q): Chain survey is recommended when the area is

Answer (B)

Q): An alidade is used in plane table surveying for

Answer (A)

Q): The height of the collimation method for obtaining the reduced levels of points does not provide a check on

Answer (d)

Q): An angle made by a survey line with the prolongation of the preceding line is called

Answer (B)

Q): The vertical distance between two adjacent contour lines is called

Answer (C)

Q):In direct ranging of a line, the number of ranging rods required is

Answer (B)

Q):Now days in the remote areas where telecommunication company's mobile signals are not available, communication within huge site area is provided by

Answer (A)

Q): The fore bearing of a line is 260°. The back bearing of this line is
Answer (B)

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