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Q): Out of the following which may be
Answer is (C)
Q): Chemically marble is known as
Answer is (C)
Q): Plaster of Paris is obtained by calcining
Answer is (B)
Q):A stone is rejected if absorbs water more than
Answer is (A)
Q): Which of the following is a Rock
Answer is (D)
Q):Sand stone is
Answer is (A)
Q):Strength based classification of brick is made on the basis of
Answer is (B)
Q):Water absorption of FIRST CLASS brick after 24 hours of immersion in water should not exceed of self-weight
Answer is (C)
Q):One brick thickness of wall is roughly
Answer is (C)
Q):The crushing strength of FIRST CLASS brick is
Answer is (B)
Q): The plasticity to mould bricks in suitable shape is contributed by
Answer is (A)
Q): The water absorption for good brick should not be more than
Answer is (B)
Q): The number of modular bricks required for one cubic meter of masonry is
Answer is (D)
Q):The percentage of Alumina in a good brick earth lies between
Answer is (B)
Q):Clay and silt content in a good brick earth be at least
Answer is (B)
Q):The density of cement is taken to be
Answer is (C)
Q): As the cement sets and hardness, it generates heat. This is called
Answer is (A)
Q): For constructing road pavements the type of cement generally used is
Answer is (B)
Q): Which of the following type of lime is used for plastering and whitewashing
Answer is (D)
Q): Construct a massive dam the type of cement used is
Answer is (B)
Q): The tool which is used to measure the perpendicularity between two walls to make sure the bricks are set at an exact 90 degree is known as(PGCIL 2020)
Answer (A)
Q): Life of Country wood in work in the building is(PGCIL 2020)
Answer (C)
Q): A brick having full length and thickness but half the width of a full brick is known a (PGCIL 2020)
Answer (D)
Q): Workability of concrete is inversely proportional to
Answer (A)
Q):According to Indian Standards, the pozzolana content in Portland Cement is
Answer (A)
Q): An indentation in the face of a brick to form a key for holding, the mortar, is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (C)
Q): The type of finish applied to the bottom-most part of the interior wall is called (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (A)
Q): A triangular-shaped masonry work, provided at the ends of a sloped roof, is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (D)
Q): In the arch construction, the purpose of using the sandbox for resting the props is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (A)
Q): A type of paint that provides a protective coating without substantially changing the color of the surface is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (B)
Q): If we use geopolymer concrete for ordinary concrete works (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (D)
Q): The early setting property of cement is brought out by
Answer (A)
Q): For rapid repair of damaged airfield pavements, the concrete used is
Answer (C)
Q): The process of filling the annular gap between the newly laid permanent tunnel lining and excavated earth face is called
Answer (D)
Q): The connection formed when two external brick walls meet, is
Answer (B)
Q):The first days of curing is very important for the ordinary Portland cement
Answer (D)
Q): The best method to protect buildings against termites is to apply a chemical treatment
Answer (C)
Q): A covering of stone placed on the exposed top of the wall is called
Answer (B)
Q): A paint which hardness by evaporation of thinner, is
Answer (C)
Q): The upper horizontal portion of a step upon which the foot is placed is called
Answer (C)
Q): The material suitable for arresting the wider cracks, in particular those in walls and soffits, is
Answer (D)
Q): During the arch construction, the purpose of providing keystone or key brick is
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