This website is an educational website that is made for all the civil engineering students who are preparing for the student’s civil engineering competition exam. In which clicking on anyone will show you the correct result, nowadays this is being seen in all the competition exams, the meaning of making this website is to do self-revision. We have prepared almost all Civil Engineering Subjects in Quiz format out if which the questions asked in the previous year have also been put in all the districts, we keep updating our website from time to time, we hope that the questions put on this website will help you in the upcoming examinations. successful, this will be our wish. Note This website is completely made by HTML coding, if there is any kind of error then you can email us at that email address given below, we will change it immediately. timetostudy2017@gmail.com

Q): According to the highway recommendation of the Nagpur Conference the width formation of an ideal National Highway in hard rock cutting is

Answer is (B)

Q):Right of way for National Highway for plain terrain is

Answer is (A)

Q):According to Highway Research Board soils are classified into types

Answer is (D)

Q): What are particularly provided in the case of urban roads

Answer is (D)

Q): The State Highway should have a wide carriageway with a wide shoulder on each side

Answer is (A)

Q):Footpaths are higher than the road surface what is the range of their height

Answer is (A)

Q): The cross-section for a highway is taken at

Answer is (D)

Q):IRC recommendation for maximum width of a vehicle

Answer is (C)

Q):What is the IRC recommendation width of a single line carriageway

Answer is (B)

Q): The width of the carriageway for multi-lane pavements as recommended by the Indian Roads Congress is

Answer is (A)

Q):The length of National Highway (km) as per Lucknow road plan is given by

Answer is (B)

Q): In India the modes of Transportation in the order of their importance are

Answer is (D)

Q):For the preparation of Highways

Answer is (C)

Q): Camber in the road is provided

Answer is (A)

Q): The curve provided at the change of Gradient is called

Answer is (D)

Q):The recommended amber for water bound macadam road is

Answer is (B)

Q):The camber for hill roads in case bituminous surface is adopted as

Answer is (B)

Q): The ideal form of the curve for the summit curve is

Answer is (B)

Q): In highway construction on superelevated curves, the rolling shall proceed from

Answer is (C)

Q): When bituminous surfacing is done on already existing blacktop road or over existing cement concrete road the type of treatment to be given is

Answer is (A)

Q):Border roads organisation for hilly regions was formed in

Answer (D)

Q): What is the road within a city or town is called as

Answer (A)

Q):Which among the following organizations was set up in 1930

Answer (A)

Q): The board was established in 1960

Answer (A)

Q): What are the number of potential conflict points of two roads having two lanes and two-way traffic

Answer (C)

Q):A pavement is classified as flexible or rigid based on its

Answer (C)

Q):For a comfortable travel o highway, the centrifugal ratio should not exceed

Answer (C)

Q): On a horizontal curve, if the pavement is kept horizontal across the alignment, then the pressure on the outer wheels will be

Answer (A)

Q):The recommended value of camber provided on cement concrete roads are

Answer (A)

Q): What is the crown height with respect to the edges to be provided in case of state highway of bituminous concrete pavement of width 7.0 m and very high rainfall

Answer (A)

Q): Grade compensation on a horizontal curve on a highway is not necessary when

Answer (A)

Q): The design value of stopping sight distance for a two-lane, two-way traffic would be

Answer (B)

Q):The width (m) of two lanes without raised kerbs as recommended by the Indian roads Congress is

Answer (C)

Q): Excessive camber on pavement may cause

Answer (B)

Q): Assumption of lane's weighted creep theory include

Answer (A)

Q): Design of horizontal and vertical alignment superelevation, sight distance, and grade are affected by

Answer (D)

Q): The shape of the camber best suited for cement concrete pavements is

Answer (A)

Q): The length of the road ahead of the vehicle which is visible to the driver is called as

Answer (A)

Q):Subgrade of load shall be well consolidated and compacted each with a camber of 

Answer (D)

Q): An important property to avoid differential settlement of subgrade soil for roads, is 

Answer (C)

Q): The type of highway pavements that have very high flexural strength is 

Answer (D)

Q):A hill road is the one which passes through a terrain with a cross slope of

Answer (C)

Q): This loading normally adopted on all roads on which permanent bridge and culverts are constructed, is

Answer (D)

Q): Hill road is the one passing through

Answer (B)

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