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Q): An aggregate is said to be flaky if its least dimension is less than
Answer is (C)
Q): The flaky aggregate is said to be elongated if its length is
Answer is (B)
Q): Lightweight concrete is used
Answer is (B)
Q): Surkhi is added to lime mortar to
Answer is (A)
Q):Too wet concrete may cause
Answer (D)
Q): Which of the following is not a constituent of cement mortar
Answer (B)
Q): The bulk density of aggregate does not depend upon
Answer (D)
Q): Good quality sand is never obtained from which of the following source
Answer (C)
Q):For ordinary Portland cement (OPC)
Answer (A)
Q): Bulking sand is
Answer (C)
Q):The 28 days compressive strength (MPa) of M-5 grade cement mortar would be
Answer (C)
Q):The approximate ratio of strength of 15cm x 30cm concrete cylinder to that of 15cm cube of the same concrete is 15cm x 30cm
Answer (C)
Q):As per IS:456-2000, minimum recommended grade of concrete for structural use is
Answer (D)
Q):The grade of concrete M-15 means that compressive strength of a 15 cm cube after 28 days is
Answer (B)
Q): Which of the following Indian standard is referred to determine the zone of fine aggregate
Answer (B)
Q): Which of the following tests is are included in the acceptance criterion of concrete
Answer (C)
Q):Maximum shrinkage takes place in concrete after drying for
Answer (A)
Q):Concrete gains strength due to
Answer (B)
Q): Density of concrete
Answer (C)
Q): Which of the following grades f concrete in RC.C is recommended for severe exposure condition by BIS
Answer (D)
Q):What will be the proportion of concrete for bridge and sewer construction
Answer (C)
Q): Which of the following is not a non-destructive testing method used for concrete
Answer (D)
Q): The maximum total quantity of dry aggregate by mass per 50 kg of cement, to be taken as the sum of the individual masses of fine and coarse aggregate (kg) for M20 Grade of concrete is
Answer (D)
Q): Green concrete may be made by adding
Answer (A)
Q): The aggregate impact value of the aggregate used in
Answer (D)
Q): Strength of concrete show an increase with
Answer (B)
Q): The maximum amount of dust that may be permitted in aggregate is
Answer (D)
Q): Proper proportioning of concrete ensures
Answer (D)
Q): Which of the following Indian Standard is referred to determine the zone of fine aggregate
Answer (B)
Q):Maximum shrinkage takes place in concrete after drying for
Answer (A)
Q): As per IS:456-1978, the concrete mixes have been designated into 7 grades. Which one out the following seven grades (given below) is not the correct grade of concrete mix
Answer (A)
Q): For a given humidity and temperature which of the following factors has the maximum influence on the total shrinkage of concrete
Answer (B)
Q): On which of the following factors does the number of samples to be taken for testing of concrete depend
Answer (C)
Q): The factor used to account For the difference in strength indicated by cube test and the strength of concrete in structure
Answer (A)
Q):Additional cover thickness in reinforced cement concrete member totally immersed in sea water
Answer (D)
Q): Poisson's ratio for concrete
Answer (B)
Q):The ratio of various ingredients (cement, sand, aggregate) in concrete of grade M 20 is
Answer (D)
Q): In which type of concrete there is the absence of capillary passages and there is no transmission of water by capillary action
Answer (A)
Q):Plain cement concrete is strong in taking
Answer (B)
Q):Poisson's ratio of cement concrete is about
Answer (C)
Q): To construct a massive dam the type of cement used is
Answer (D)
Q):Minimum grade of concrete for moderate environmental exposure condition should be
Answer (B)
Q): The characteristic strength of concrete is defined as that compressive strength below which NOT more than
Answer (B)
Q):As per Indian standard specifications, concrete should be cured under a humidity of
Answer (D)
Q): The value of bulk density of aggregate depends upon
Answer (D)
Q): The strength of cement concrete mainly depends upon
Answer (D)
Q):The clinker is formed at a temperature of (UKSSSC PTCUL 2017)
Answer (D)
Q):Slump test for concrete is done to check (UKSSSC PTCUL 2017)
Answer (A)
Q): Which of the following concrete has the ability to heal its crack
Answer (B)
Q): Workability of concrete is measured by(UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (D)
Q): The type of plastic used for moisture-proof packings is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (A)
Q): Fly ash is added to concrete (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (B)
Q): The common reason for repairing cracked concrete is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (B)
Q): The fineness of cement is tested by (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (D)
Q): Which of the following flooring methods is used for low-cost village houses
Answer (D)
Q): The causes for the formation of cracks on the top surface of the roof slab concrete is due to the
Answer (B)
Q):The best and most efficient method for concrete compaction
Answer (C)
Q): The process of covering rough surfaces of walls with a thin coat of cement mortar is
Answer (D)
Q): For sprayed concrete, gunite, and shotcrete, the size of aggregate used, is
Answer (C)
Q):As per IS 456:2000, the maximum free water cement ratio for M25 grade reinforced cement concrete is
Answer (B)
Q): Cracks on the concrete structures are formed due to the
Answer (B)
Q): Workability of concrete is measured by
Answer (C)
Q):The oldest type of lintel is
Answer (A)
Q): The fiber to be used to increase the impact strength of concrete is
Answer (B)
Q): Long term strength and durability under adverse conditions can be improved by adding in ordinary Portland cement concrete
Answer (D)
Q): While using ready mixed concrete if the residual slump is not good enough for placing and then will be added to boost up the slump
Answer (D)
Q): A type of floor finish that is laid thin layer over concrete topping is
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