This website is an educational website that is made for all the civil engineering students who are preparing for the student’s civil engineering competition exam. In which clicking on anyone will show you the correct result, nowadays this is being seen in all the competition exams, the meaning of making this website is to do self-revision. We have prepared almost all Civil Engineering Subjects in Quiz format out if which the questions asked in the previous year have also been put in all the districts, we keep updating our website from time to time, we hope that the questions put on this website will help you in the upcoming examinations. successful, this will be our wish. Note: This website is completely made by HTML coding, if there is any kind of error then you can email us at that email address given below, we will change it

Q): On rolling land, the method of applying water is

Answer is (B)

Q): The method of growing crop on running on the sides of water ditches used in the certain agricultural field is called as

Answer is (C)

Q): The capacity of an irrigation tank depends on

Answer is (D)

Q): The conjunctive use of water in a basin means

Answer is (D)

Q):Percentage of water available on Earth that is saline is

Answer (C)

Q): Which of the following has the maximum water application efficiency

Answer (D)

Q): Hydrology is the science which deals with

Answer (D)

Q): Salinity in soils

Answer (B)

Q): Name of the method of irrigation which does not come under control flooding

Answer (A)

Q): Non-consumptive use of water is in

Answer (A)

Q): In which method the field is divided into a number of long parallel strips

Answer (A)

Q): Irrigated is basically required in

Answer (D)

Q): Which of the following methods of irrigation has minimum wastages of water

Answer (C)

Q): Sprinkler irrigation is preferred when

Answer (D)

Q): Standard rain gauge adopted in India is

Answer (A)

Q): Convective precipitation is caused by

Answer (C)

Q):Evaporation is measured by

Answer (B)

Q): Evapotranspiration of water by crop means water consumed by

Answer (D)

Q): For a unit hydrograph what is the best unit duration of the storm

Answer (C)

Q): Meyer's formula is an empirical formula used to determine

Answer (B)

Q): The real characteristics of a rai storm are represented by a

Answer (A)

Q): The method of irrigation used for orchards is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)

Answer (C)

Q): A crop requires a total depth of 86.4 cm of water for a base period of 100 days. The duty of water is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)

Answer (D)

Q): Water supply tunnels are one of the classifications according to (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)

Answer (A)

Q): A permanent structure constructed transverse to the river flow extend from the bank into the river up to a certain limit, is called (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)

Answer (C)

Q):In water demand the hourly variation factor is usually taken as

Answer (A)

Q): A channel with a constant bed slope and the same cross-section along its length is known as

Answer (B)

Q): A dam in which the external forces are resisted by the self-weight of the dam is called

Answer (D)

Q): The earth's water circulatory system is known as

Answer (A)

Q)A system of irrigation very suitable in tracts where there are a number of small rivers and streams is

Answer (B)

Q): The design technique adopted in the design of large water-supply networks, as an aid to simplify and separate the smaller loops, is

Answer (A)

Q): The duration by which an activity can be delayed without delaying any other succeeding activity is called

Answer (A)

Q): The river is trained to provide sufficient and efficient cross-sectional area for the expeditious passage of maximum flow, is called

Answer (A)

Q):A portion of precipitation that is not evaporated contributes to

Answer (A)

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