This website is an educational website that is made for all the civil engineering students who are preparing for the student’s civil engineering competition exam. In which clicking on anyone will show you the correct result, nowadays this is being seen in all the competition exams, the meaning of making this website is to do self-revision. We have prepared almost all Civil Engineering Subjects in Quiz format out if which the questions asked in the previous year have also been put in all the districts, we keep updating our website from time to time, we hope that the questions put on this website will help you in the upcoming examinations. successful, this will be our wish.
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Q): The shape of the idealized stress-strain curve for concrete as prescribed by IS 456-2000 is
Answer is (B)
Q): The effect of creep on modular ratio is
Answer is (B)
Q):In limit state design, the limiting value of depth
Answer is (B & D)
Q):Deflection can be controlled by using the appropriate
Answer is (C)
Q): The modulus of rapture concrete gives
Answer (B)
Q): Standard cubes of a concrete mix are tested for compressive strength, which is observed to be 36MPa.Approximate flexural strength (MPa) of this concrete according to formula provided in IS 456 will be
Answer (B)
Q):What will be the approximate value of elasticity modulus (MPa) concrete of strength 25 MPa
Answer (C)
Q): In the limit state design of concrete structure the strain distribution is assumed to be
Answer (D)
Q): The term 'Characteristic load' means that load that has a probability of not being exceeded during the life of the structure is equal to
Answer (B)
Q): For reinforced concrete members totally immersed in seawater, the additional cover thickness recommended by the CODE is
Answer (A)
Q):The minimum thickness of a reinforced concrete wall should be
Answer (B)
Q):The minimum grade of reinforced concrete in sea water as per IS 456:2000 is
Answer (C)
Q): The value of ultimate creep coefficient for concrete
Answer (B)
Q):Partial safety factors for concrete and steel respectively may be taken as
Answer (A)
Q): According to IS 456-1978 the flexural strength of concrete is
Answer (C)
Q): The permissible shear stress in concrete depends upon
Answer (D)
Q): The Indian standard code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete is
Answer (A)
Q): Under constant load, the Creep strain in concrete is
Answer (A)
Q):The characteristic compressive strength of M30 grade concrete as per IS:456:2000 is
Answer (D)
Q):As per IS 456:2000, in the value absence of test data the approximate value of the total strain for design may be taken as
Answer (D)
Q): If the area of tension reinforcement provided is less than that required for a balanced section, then the RCC beam is called
Answer (C)
Q):Mild steel used in RCC structure conforms to
Answer (A)
Q):Coefficient of wind resistance of a circular surface
Answer (A)
Q): The minimum quantity of cement content needed in on m3 of a reinforcement concrete which is exposed to sea weather conditions is (in kg)
Answer (A)
Q):The partial factor of safety for concrete as per IS:456-2000
Answer (A)
Q): In the limit state method the design stress in steel is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (B)
Q): The tensile yield strength of a solid E 250 (Fe410) grade steel plate of size 220 mm x 12 mm is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (C)
Q): In the limit state method of design using Tor steel (Fe415 bars), the maximum depth of neutral axis for a balanced rectangular section of effective depth 500 mm, is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (C)
Q):TOR stands for (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (B)
Q): In the limit state method of design, the maximum strain at the outermost fiber is (UKSSSC JE 2020 SHIFT-II EVG.)
Answer (B)
Q): The safe load carried by helical reinforced column is
Answer (B)
Q):The centroid of a solid circle whose diameter 'd", is
Answer (D)
Q): The end conditions of a normal column is
Answer (A)
Q): The dowel bars are used in rigid pavements for
Answer (B)
Q):The 28 days characteristic compressive strength of M25 grade concrete is
Answer (B)
Q): If the depth of the neutral axis more than the critical neutral axis, the section is
Answer (B)
Q):As per IS 456:2000, the maximum free water cememnt ratio for M25 grade reinforced cement concrete is
Answer (B)
Q):A circular beam having an area of 100 cm2 is subjected to a shear force of 10 kN. The shear stress, is
Answer (C)
Q): For columns, the spacing of longitudinal bars measured along the periphery shall not exceed
Answer (C)
Q): The loads which are temporary placed on the structure is
Answer (C)
Q):As per IS 456:2000. the maximum free water cement ratio for M20 grade reinforced
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